Summa Carta
This Document is not a Final Document, it is the latest Draft Posted Feb 17, 2023.
Sovereign Axiom:
“Fiction yields to Human Sovereignty. Where Human Sovereignty is, fiction of law has no authority.”
In the course of human history, we have discovered and submitted to truths that demonstrate what is just and reasonable in a modern world. Conditions that we had previously accepted as freedom and democracy we now find to be a yoke of ignorance and fear.
Those who fitted the yoke, secured their place as trespassers over the sovereignty of mankind to make slaves of men. These interlopers exercise authority ‘over men’ that does not ‘come from men.’
Free-willed men and women must not be subjected to slave for an arcane hierarchy that does not recognize men and women as Sovereign human beings but rather as chattel subjects who are pledged to serve these unaccountable forces.
The only recourse that remains to remedy the ignorance born from having accepted traditions and lip service that perfunctorily acknowledges freedom and democracy yet compels men to serve unaccountable masters, and that is to claim a rightful place for Sovereign Human Authority as being the highest source of authority existing in the natural world.
Exposé of Cabalistic Criminal Conversion
This Exposé of Cabalistic Criminal Conversion explains their Crimes against Human Sovereignty, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes. This will give an understanding for the necessity of establishing Sovereign Human Authority on Earth.
- Cabalistic Criminal Conversion is where Living Men and Women were transformed into the fictional chattel property of multiple fictitious institutions which are bonded avatars for the purpose of enriching a worldwide debt-based monetary system.
- This Separation from our Sovereign Human Authority has allowed these interlopers to exploit and extract the wealth of the resources for themselves thereby denying Humanity its wealth.
- As a result of this Cabalistic Criminal Conversion, their fictional avatar is tightly controlled and restricted forcing compliance with licensing and permits, where they are fined, arrested, charged, and imprisoned.
- The pernicious nature of this system is that this conversion occurs unbeknownst to most of the population on this planet, except for those creating, planning, organizing, and executing this ruse.
- The system that we are currently in, converted people into legal names and trusts that are fictional avatars which are the property of the banking cartel.
- This fictional avatar is bonded and used to hold the trust, that trust holds our property, land, and debt through acts of registration.
- This unlawful conversion has made people believe that they are their fictional avatars that must perform within the confines of the laws, rules and regulations created for the avatar.
- To add insult unto injury, they make it a crime to identify as our lawful names without the use of the avatar.
- The bonds are traded for their benefit and enrichment while we must slave to satisfy the debts that they have created.
- Living Men and Women, including their avatars, have no say in, nor can we hold them accountable for their crimes in their private legal system.
- The doctrine of discovery, colonialism and the law of nations were judiciously employed to further the expansion of our continued servitude to their Cabalistic Criminal Conversion.
- Colonialism is the practice of extending and maintaining a nation's political and economic control over another people or area to subjugate and conquer its population while forcing their language, religious and cultural values, all the while exploiting the land and the people.
- The “Doctrines of Discovery” are a series of Papal Bulls issued by multiple Popes starting in 1452 that sanctioned and promoted the conquest, colonization, dehumanization, and exploitation of non-Christian territories and peoples. In 1537 Pope Paul III issued a Papal Bull titled “Sublimus Dei” which repudiated the “Doctrines of Discovery” for Catholics with regard to the Americas. The repudiation in and of itself did not end the practice of the “Doctrines of Discovery” by Catholics. In 1534 the Church of England was established and had ipso facto adopted the “Doctrines of Discovery” and has not repudiated them. The “Doctrines of Discovery” and “Terra Nullius” matriculated into Legal doctrine with Legal definitions in multiple Nations.
- After hundreds of years of decisions and law-making, continuing right up to today, international law still uses the principles of the Doctrine of Discovery.
- These laws invalidate and ignore the Human Sovereignty and Authority of humanity around the world.
- Each Nation’s Government has operated by the principle of the Law of Nations, which derives its authority from the claim that the state is Sovereign, which presumes the people are Citizens that should subject themselves to the authority of the body politic.
- Our Nation’s Governments have operated under the principle of the Law of Nations which states that the State is Sovereign, and the people are subject to the State, wherein these Nations have constitutions created for their Nations that construct the illusion of implied authority of their Citizens over their government through elections, thereby manufacturing the consent of the people. We accepted the belief that we live in free and democratic Nations, however, what we truly have are unaccountable governments that lord their authority over us, this is tyranny.
- An Important distinction between de facto and de jure governments is the same as the differences between a confederation and a federation, which is that membership of the member states in a confederation is voluntary, while membership in a federation is not.
- A de facto Government is one that has been given legal status even though it has not complied with all the statutory formalities required for government existence. Only Sovereign Living Men and Women, not their avatars, may challenge the validity of the existence of a de facto government.
- De-facto governments are governments that subject the people to the force of law, color of law, color of right, and or the rule of law.
- When the Citizen refuses to subject themselves to the force of law, color of law, color of right, and or the rule of law of de-facto governments, they are declared as criminals, outlaws, or domestic terrorists and then become subject to the tyranny of the State.
- By subjecting the people to this principle of the Law of Nations, the Sovereign Living Men and Women were converted into subjected Citizens where they lost all power to hold the state accountable. This is a subversion of Sovereign Human Authority.
- The continued validation of the “Doctrines of Discovery” and the Law of Nations forms an integral part of the Cabalistic Criminal Conversion which is an egregious violation of the Harm Doctrine which is not only a Crime Against Humanity but a Crime Against Human Sovereignty.
Reclamation of Sovereign Human Authority
Sovereign Axiom: If governments are instituted among Men and derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, then a system where consent is neither sought nor can be denied must be tyranny, which makes “Necessitas non habet legem” (Necessity knows no law) our moral and ethical obligation to exercise the full right and power of our Sovereign Human Authority to establish a new system.
Within the understanding and enlightenment of their Cabalistic Criminal Conversion, we learn that we have been converted from Sovereign Living Men and Women into fictional avatars where we were trained to identify as their fictional avatars.
Herein is the Reclamation of our Sovereign Human Authority from these interlopers.
- Living Sovereign Men and Women are the only existential authority on earth as we do not surrender our authority or bow to ignominious and inferior jurisdictions.
- On our terrestrial, earthly plain, Sovereignty emanates from man’s intellectual ascension. It begins with the understanding that Sovereign Human Authority is the only legitimate source of our true power. All imagined and/or created sources of “sovereignty” are fictional and subservient to Sovereign Human Authority.
- All previously imagined and or created sources of “sovereignty” that separated living men and women from their Sovereign Human Authority through deception, coercion, manipulation and or force are Crimes against Human Sovereignty and Crimes against Humanity.
- There can be no provable or tangible source of higher authority compelling the will of Sovereign Men and Women to bow to ignominious ideologies that do not recognize Sovereign mankind as the supreme rulers of earth.
- Spiritual planes may exist but have no authority nor legitimate claim of superior authority in our realm. These unprovable and intangible claims of superior authority are irrelevant and without the basis of facts, logic, and reason. The proponents of this Spiritual Realm ensnare unsuspecting people with guile and deceit to supplant belief and fiction over facts and temporal reality, thus making the fact of living Sovereign Men and Women on their land irrelevant in their fictional realm, thereby separating Humanity from its Sovereign Human Authority.
- Through their continued guile and deceit, they have cheated mankind out of their land inheritance by conditioning mankind through dis-education by religious indoctrination to create the belief that this fictional reality is superior to Sovereign Human Authority on this Earth. They have indoctrinated people to deny the Earth as their inheritance thus abdicating their Sovereignty.
- Because their fictional authority is inferior to Living Sovereign Men and Women standing on their land, they had to convert us into this fictional jurisdiction by creating and requiring the implementation of avatars as legal names and legal personalities.
- To further the jurisdictional ruse over us, ecclesiastical courts were created with a superior status to the legal personalities that were separately created with limited rights and freedoms.
- All trusts of the legal personalities disenfranchise Living Men and Women from their Sovereign Inheritance which is designed to condemn, exploit, and oppress humanity to legal and financial servitude, this is a Crime Against Human Sovereignty.
- These legal personalities are inferior in status to Living Sovereign Men and Women standing on their Sovereign Inheritance which is this Earth. The ownership of land and Sovereignty are inseparable.
- The Living Sovereign Men and Women are the law and the Courts, as ecclesiastical courts or any other fictional counterparts have no standing or jurisdiction over any Living Sovereign Men or Women.
- No Living Sovereign Man or Woman can be forced to lower their status to appear in a lesser ecclesiastical or fictional Court.
- If a Sovereign were to appear by force in a court that operates as an ecclesiastical and or other jurisdictional courts, tribunal, or administrative jurisdiction that is not created by Sovereign Human Authority, these courts, tribunals, or administrative jurisdictions are operating in legal fiction and therefore have no authority over Sovereign Living Men and Women.
- All Courts, Tribunals and Administrative Jurisdictions that were not created by Sovereigns are now subject to Sovereign Human Authority.
- Because these Courts, Tribunals and Administrative Jurisdictions are subject to Sovereign Human Authority, all edicts made by the Sovereigns exercising their Sovereign Human Authority will become binding on these Courts. If these Courts fail to acknowledge the superiority of Sovereign Human Authority or fail to comply with that Sovereign’s edicts, the actors of the Court will be charged with Crimes Against Human Sovereignty.
- We are Sovereign in fact because we choose to be, we require no permission or other authority. We serve no fictional authorities, nor pledge allegiance to alien or parasitic bodies or powers because none of them have greater authority than a Human being exercising Sovereign Human Authority. There may be a greater force but when that force is exercised against peaceful men and women to forcefully subjugate them, this becomes naked aggression, tyranny, and a Crime Against Human Sovereignty. We have met with such tyranny in our lives and stand firm against it.
- We the Sovereign Living Men and Women are not Citizens, Statutory Residents, Statutory Persons, Taxpayers, Fictional Entities, Legal Persons, Legal Personalities, Legal Trusts, or any other creature, fiction, subject, or definition found in Statutes, Codes, Ordinances, Acts, or anywhere else that does not recognize Sovereign Human Authority.
- We hereby renounce, reject, disassociate, dissolve, disavow, rescind, repudiate, and refute any and or all prior express or implied consent to agreements and or allegiances to any esoteric, De-facto, corporate governments or governing agencies such as the Crown, the Vatican, City of London, Washington DC, or any other city-state, Secret Society, Cabal, foreign jurisdiction, the BAR, and every other state, society, or any political body, organization, association, or organized society that We the People have not purposefully, explicitly, and intentionally consented to join with the full knowledge and understanding of any presumed foreign jurisdiction over Living Men and Women.
- We are no longer to be considered employees of any government, no longer to be considered surety for the debt of any bank, nation, or corporation, no longer to be considered chattel to be traded or treated as a slave or public property and no longer legal persons, personalities, trusts, avatars or subjects of the Vatican, Crown, Queen, government or any other entity that we did not create from our own free will and volition.
- We reject and disavow all claims of divine right to rule over men and women as the highest claim of superior authority because they are unfounded, unproven, and inimical to the well-being of all who desire peace, freedom, and responsible autonomy for mankind. We further reject and disavow all claims that the ‘State’ is sovereign and possessing authority ‘over’ the Living Sovereign Men and Women.
- Private Legal Constructs can never supersede the Sovereign Human Authority, especially when these artifices were allegedly designed to serve the people, and not enslave them. If Private Legal Constructs hold more authority than that of the people, then its source of authority came from outside of the people. Such superior authority is both foreign and fictional and the exercise of it over Sovereign Living Men and Women is a Crime Against Human Sovereignty.
- Private Legal Constructs must be subject to and recognize Sovereign Human Authority. Just powers must be exclusively derived from Sovereign Human Authority.
- These fictional or ecclesiastical jurisdictions have used extreme violence and every vile form torture and generational indoctrination that reduced men and women to fearful obedient subjects that have no comprehension of what the power and majesty of their Sovereignty truly is.
- When living men and women do not possess their Sovereignty, they are equal to slaves. Fictional Governments never grant liberty and freedoms, they grant rights disguised as freedoms that are mere privileges.
- Any rights granted by these fictional governments are subject to private legal systems that are designed to subjugate Humanity. This denies living men and women the dignity of their liberty, freedom, and authority.
- Subjecting Individuals to a private legal system, is a Crime against Human Sovereignty, which all governments and their legal systems work diligently to maintain.
- We will only accede to responsible Sovereign government administrated by Living Sovereign Men and Women.
- These fictional constructs require the use of superior force to maintain their de facto authority. Superior force is not de jure authority!
- Be it known that we desire peace, tolerance, freedom, liberty, and accountability for all mankind and that we will stand fast against any power, will, or force that may result in transgression from those principles.
Declaration of Sovereign Human Authority
Humanity is just emerging from its slumber where some are responsible and self-governing, while most are not. During this Great awaking of Humanity, most of humanity is unaware of the power and majesty of Sovereign Human Authority. They will in time learn how to exercise their power and authority and the power it wields to change the world.
Those who are responsible and self-governing take on this mantle of responsibility to replace humanity’s governing systems, ensuring humanity’s prosperity through cooperation and self-determination sparking human creativity, ingenuity, and critical thinking.
Personal Sovereignty is a way of life that venerates the intellectual and ethical ascension of humanity and humanity’s dignity.
A Sovereign is an ascended Individual that has taken on the responsibility of self-determination.
Sovereignty is the collective of Sovereign Human Authority that refers to Sovereigns exercising their collective power and authority for the benefit of humanity.
Every ascended Living Man and Woman understands that the Earth is our Sovereign birthright.
Within the understanding of the power and authority of Sovereignty, every Sovereign Living Man and Woman takes on the duties and responsibilities for the prosperity, stewardship, and dominion of Earth.
Earth is the Sovereigns dominion and by necessity, Sovereign Living Men and Women are the keepers, caretakers, and guardians of this planet and its inhabitants.
Through war and spiritual enslavement, humanity was forced to abdicate their power, duty, and responsibility which facilitated the cabalistic exploitation of the planet.
This further necessitates that Living Sovereign Men and Women exercise their power and authority to ensure that fictional jurisdictions do not continue to exploit and destroy this planet or enslave its people.
On this physical plane, the Earth is our birthright, and our Collective Personal Sovereignty is the Supreme de jure Authority which is the only source of legitimate authority for the Administration and Stewardship of Earth.
A Sovereign accepts and lives by the immutable Sovereign Axiom of “DO NO HARM” to others. The corollary responsibility of a Sovereign is to ensure the peace and enjoyment of life on our planet and the acceptance of accountability for their actions and choices. This immutable Sovereign Axiom is an underlying principle of Sovereignty.
Sovereigns accept that all Religions and Religious or Spiritual beliefs are a matter of faith and belief. This faith and belief are private and must never constitute a public source of authority over other Living Sovereign Men and Women, doing so undermines the authority of all Sovereigns.
To preserve the integrity of our Collective Sovereign Human Authority, Sovereigns are responsible and accountable to each other.
Our understanding of the legal system has created the desire to educate ourselves to recognize and understand the subtle differences between freedom and servitude. The Legal system creates excessive acts of legislation which create servitude thus removing us from our inherent freedoms.
Sovereign Human Authority is the Supreme de jure Authority of Earth.
Proclamation of Sovereign Human Authority
Due to millennia of gaslighting humanity through the creation of an establishment of indoctrinated miseducation and false beliefs, humanity has come to accept that their fictional and or de facto sources of authority are legitimate.
It has now become necessary for those that are intellectually ascended to no longer accept illegitimate forms of authority, and therefore through our understanding and ascension, we acknowledge Sovereign Human Authority as the Supreme Authority on Earth.
These de facto sources of authority not only rule mankind with impunity but also converted mankind into fictional legal personalities through trusts, where they manage these trusts without our knowledge, and if we gain the knowledge of this trust, our ability to access it is kept out of reach. To add further injustice, all our property is placed into those trusts, thus allowing them to seize it under their Private Laws, Rules, and Regulations.
These trusts are administered by unaccountable courts which deprive us of property and justice because we gave up the land, so they maintain the corruption of piracy as a legitimate form of acquisition and control.
The principle of natural law “Necessitas non habet legem” (Necessity knows no law) empowers us to replace illegitimate de facto authority which has proven to be inimical to the well-being of humanity and our earth, therefore, it is our moral and ethical duty to recognize our obligation, right, and imperative to establish Sovereign Human Authority as the Supreme Authority on Earth.
As Sovereigns exercising our Sovereign Human Authority, we hereby and herewith withdraw any express or implied consent to be recognized by or through any legal name or entity which any governmental organization, or an agent thereof, may, by virtue of its registration under that government’s jurisdiction, use against our will to exercise control or power over us.
Therefore, let it be known that We the Sovereign People having exhausted all reasonable means at our disposal hereby Proclaim and assert our natural right to self-determination, Autonomy, Sovereignty, Liberty, and Freedom; and as a last resort, make the aforesaid statement as our public Proclamation of Sovereign Human Authority, and dissolution of all previous National, Political, Corporate, fictional, and de facto allegiances, and do establish our Sovereign authority as both Human and Supreme.
We pledge with solemn earnestness that we will act and live according to the dictates of our conscience, in a reasonable, responsible, peaceable, and rational manner.
We pledge to keep governments as servants which are accountable to the Sovereigns who created them.
Enactment of Sovereign Human Authority
It is our collective moral and ethical obligation to use the Precept of Natural Law “Necessitas non habet legem” (Necessity knows no law) that recognizes our full right and power to exercise our Sovereign Human Authority to create and enact this Summa Carta and the Supreme Constitution of the Sovereign Earth Alliance.
This Sovereign Human Authority through the Sovereign Earth Alliance holds supremacy and precedence over all de-facto governments, corporations, and fictional organizations.
Member Nations and Territories are administered under the authority of the Sovereigns under the aegis of the Sovereign Earth Alliance.
In exercising our supreme authority, we task the Sovereign Earth Alliance Council with the Creation of the Sovereign Axioms and Rules of Conduct for the good order of Sovereignty.
In exercising our supreme authority, we order the Sovereign Earth Alliance Council to create and establish the Harm Doctrine which defines the types and levels of Harm against Human Beings, Animals, and the Planet.
In exercising our Supreme Authority on Earth, we order the Sovereign Earth Alliance Council to create the Independent Investigative Bureau for the investigation of Individuals for violations of the Harm Doctrine that include, but not limited to, Crimes Against Human Sovereignty, Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes for prosecution in the Sovereign Earth Alliance Court of Justice.
In exercising our supreme authority, we task the Sovereign Earth Alliance Council to create a Civis Carta to protect Citizens Irrevocable Rights and Irrevocable Freedoms and Lawful Protections.